Porshe Club of America
Zone 10
Zone 10 is one of 14 zones that make up the Porsche Club of America. Within Zone 10 there are 10 local regions that cover a very large geographical area with more than 5,000 members. Members can be found in Minnesota, both North and South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, the western counties of Wisconsin and Illinois, and Manitoba Canada.
Zone 10 is represented at the National level by Steve Kemp, zone10rep@norstern.org
Region | Charter Date | Website |
St Louis | 01/15/1959 | stl.pca.org |
Nord Stern | 03/28/1959 | www.nordstern.org |
Wichita | 03/15/1960 | wrpca.wildapricot.org |
Kansas City | 05/15/1960 | kcrpca.org |
Great Plains | 06/23/1967 | gprpca.com |
Dakotas | 03/30/1968 | dakotapca.com |
Central Iowa | 07/22/1969 | cia.pc.org |
Schonesland | 04/04/1975 | schonesland.com |
Ozark Lakes | 04/23/1977 | www.ozarklakes.org |
Red River | 11/06/1999 | redriverpca.org |