I was looking at the announcement below for the St. Paul Auto Fair and my club historian hat fell onto my head. Certain club events are iconic in that they have seemly been held forever. The Last Fling is probably the oldest of our events. That led to the First Fling shortly thereafter. We have the Afton Concours which became the All-Porsche Show. These events have all been held since the 1970’s. I’m not sure of when the first Fall Color Tour was held but its 30-35 years ago. The Club Race is a relative teenager as its only 30 years old.
This leads us to the St. Paul Auto Fair. It was the idea of Maplewood Imports salesman and active Nord Stern member George Andeweg. I’m not sure when this was first held – late 80’s or early 90’s. George endeavored to open the dealership to Porsche enthusiasts on a Sunday morning to socialize and check out each other’s cars. It is Cars & Coffee decades before what we now know as Cars & Coffee. It has always been the kind of event where you ran into someone you had not seen in a long time. The event moved when the franchise moved down the street to the current Porsche St. Paul.
Its technically never been a Nord Stern event, but it has always been on Nord Stern’s calendar. The target audience was George’s Porsche friends – his customers and Nord Stern friends, of which there is considerable overlap. George retired a number of years ago and we see less of him these days, but Chris Peterson and the current Porsche St. Paul team have picked up the torch and feel strongly its important to continue this really great event. This year’s event is Sunday, September 10th and benefits St. Jude. Here’s to another 30 years of the St. Paul Auto Fair!

Been there many times, just ran into George a few weeks ago at a car event in Medina