Frequently Asked Questions
ClubTalk is fairly robust, but it can be tricky at times. Browse the FAQ or, if you don’t find something that addresses your issue, feel free to ask a question.
General Questions
What is the ClubTalk server?
ClubTalk is based on the GNU Mailman list server software. There are two different interfaces for interacting with the server and the ClubTalk list: the web interface and the email interface. Most of the day-to-day interactions with ClubTalk will use the email interface since this includes the email address you registered with the server. The web interface is used to manage subscription options, however, anything that can be changed via the web can also be changed by email. Usually, the web interface is easier for changing options as it provides instructions as you go.
Are you having issues with ClubTalk? Browse through the FAQ items below or send a question to the list administrator using the “Ask a Question” button above.
ClubTalk Etiquette
- Think before you send. There are hundreds of members on the server and most of them don’t know you. Give some thought to whether your email adds value to the discussion or informs in some way.
- Sign your post as many email addresses don’t identify the member.
- Once you hit send, you no longer know where the email will go and who may read it.
- Many of our advertisers and our dealers subscribe. Show support for those who support the club.
- There are other forums for politics.
- Use care with what you think is funny. There is a fine line between what is funny and what is offensive or just plain stupid. Humor is fun and welcome if well-considered. See #1.
- Use a good subject line so someone not interested in your email can delete it without opening it. This is important on lengthy email threads on a subject someone may not be interested in.
- For sale posts are ok if it is something this audience is interested in. Giving ClubTalk subscribers first crack at your two-year-old Cayman GT4 before you list it elsewhere is appropriate. Same applies to your winter beater. Your Mason jar collection maybe not. Be considerate when you think about sending it multiple times.
- Use care in using Clubtalk as a phone book. Keep in mind you are emailing hundreds of people asking for someone’s phone number. Same for asking one person in the group to call you.
- Watch the size of photos. Keep in mind your post is likely to be read on a phone. Clubtalk does not send emails larger than 8 GB. They go into a queue for the administrator to release if they are too large.
- See #1.
How to turn on or off mail delivery
Going on vacation or need a break from ClubTalk because you’re too busy to read any extra mail? Simply disable mail delivery!
To disable/enable mail delivery using the web interface:
1. Log in to your options page
2. Go down to the section marked “Mail delivery” and select “Disabled” to stop receiving mail, and “Enabled” to start receiving mail again.
To disable/enable mail delivery using the email interface:
1. Send a message to clubtalk-request@nordstern.org with either the subject line or the message body with the command set delivery off or set delivery on.”
2. Set it to “off” to stop receiving posts, and “on” to start receiving them again.
How to send email to ClubTalk subscribers?
Posting a message for all ClubTalk subscribers to see is as simple as sending an email message to clubtalk@norstern.org. If your sending email address is registered with the server, your message will be posted to the list and forward to the other subscribers.
I got a non-member rejection. What gives?
Did you get a rejection notice from the server? Did you send your message from another email account that you haven’t registered with ClubTalk? Only registered and approved email addresses are allowed to post messages to ClubTalk. This doesn’t mean you cannot have more than one email address registered with the server. Head over to the subscription page or send an email from the desired account to clubtalk-subscribe@nordstern.org.
I lost my subscriber password.
To retrieve your password for ClubTalk, go to the information page at http://listserv.nordstern.org/mailman/listinfo/clubtalk. Under the Clubtalk Subscribers section, enter your registered email address in the field next to the “Unsubscribe or edit options” button. On the resulting member options page, click the “Remind” button at the bottom of the page and your list password will be emailed to you.
My post was too big?
Unfortunately, individual posts to ClubTalk have a size limit. This is to try and keep from exceeding user cellular usage limitations and hogging bandwidth on slow Internet connections. This is especially troublesome when subscribers reply to messages with large attachments and add something of their own. Consider resizing those smartphone pictures before posting.
Our List Server
ClubTalk is an electronic mailing list that forwards posts to every subscriber. The Club uses this as a town hall-like discussion forum. Topics range from anything Porsche to DIY projects. Please refrain from engaging political discussions or intentionally starting controversial subjects.
How to Join
You must be a member in good standing with Nord Stern, PCA, or an advertiser or service partner. Subscription requests can be made via the web using this link or by sending an email to clubtalk-subscribe@nordstern.org.
Post a Message
To distribute a message to ClubTalk subscribers, you simply address an email message to clubtalk@nordstern.org. If your email address is found to be a subscriber, the server will post your message to the list and forward a copy to each of the other subscribers.
How to Unsubscribe
Don’t want to be on ClubTalk any longer? You can unsubscribe using this web link or by sending a mail message to clubtalk-unsubscribe@nordstern.org.